活動內容 | 大家好!
主題:AWS雲端證照考試經驗分享 Experience Sharing for AWS Cloud Certification Exams
主持人:電機工程學系乙組 李建誠老師
講者:(1) 電機系乙組 羅于凱
(2) 電機系乙組 郭佑晏
活動時間:2025年3月6日(四) 下午12:20 ~ 13:30
★ 本活動全程以中文進行。
★ 本活動於12:10開始發放餐盒,用餐地點R70101。餐盒數量有限量,報名成功的同學請在12:20前完成簽到領取餐盒,逾時將開放給現場報名同學領取餐盒,餐盒發放完畢後不再補發。
★ 請同學務必維持活動會場清潔,活動結束後將垃圾帶走,謝謝!
★ 為提供講者及全體參與者良好的聽講環境,懇請同學為自己保留完整的聽講時間,避免提早離席。
★ 本活動認列【服務學習時數】1小時,完整參與本活動並完成撰寫心得200字可認列服學課程時數,請於活動結束後於一週內(3/13)前填寫服務日誌,以利時數認證。若未出席、未填寫/逾時完成日誌者,不予認證。
Hello everyone!
The College of Electrical and Communication Engineering will host the "Experience Sharing for AWS Cloud Certification Exams" seminar on Thursday, March 6, and we sincerely invite all students to join us.
This seminar will feature Professor Chien-Cheng Lee, the convener of the AWS Cloud Course Program, as the opening host. Two Electrical Engineering students, Yu-Kai Luo and You-Yan Guo, who have successfully obtained the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification, will share their experiences. Their presentations will include tips for preparation, insights into the examination process, and reflections on earning the certification. This event is designed to help students gain a basic understanding of AWS cloud technology while inspiring them to pursue their own AWS certifications to enhance their professional skill set.
Event Details:
Topic: Experience Sharing for AWS Cloud Certification Exams
Host: Professor Chien-Cheng Lee, Department of Electrical Engineering
(1) Yu-Kai Luo, Department of Electrical Engineering
(2) You-Yan Guo , Department of Electrical Engineering
Date and Time: Thursday, March 6, 2025, 12:20 PM–1:30 PM
Venue: R70101, Building 7
Whether you are curious about cloud technology or have already stepped into the field but haven’t yet obtained a certification, don’t miss this opportunity to discover the secrets to passing the AWS Cloud Certification exams. This experience sharing seminar will bring you valuable insights and inspiration!
Important Notes:
★ This event will be conducted entirely in Chinese.
★ Lunch boxes will be distributed starting at 12:10 PM, with the dining area located in Room R70101. The number of lunch boxes is limited. Students who successfully register are requested to sign in and collect their lunch boxes before 12:20. After that time, any remaining lunch boxes will be offered to students who register on-site. Once all the lunch boxes have been distributed, no more will be provided.
★ Please make sure to keep the event venue clean and take your trash with you after the event. Thank you.
★ To ensure a positive experience for both the speakers and all participants, please reserve the full time for attending the event and avoid leaving early.
★ Participation in this event will be credited with one hour of "Service- Learning." To receive the credit, you must attend the entire event and submit a 200-word reflection within one week after the event (by March 13). Please fill out the service log for hour certification. Those who do not attend, fail to submit the log, or submit it late will not receive certification. |